EBM is the sole owner of these properties within Doha, Qatar.

EBM own flats within these buildings.
- Batter sea powerstation London - UK
- Riverlight Battersea London - UK

EBM Real Estate
EBM Real Estate is a leading real estate company that aims to offer exceptional and specialized real estate services to its clients with the latest international standards at competitive prices. Since 1977, the company has strived to create restructure and manage a group of investments local and internationally.
Maximum stability and security are the keystones of the real estate services of EBM. Among the wide range of services, are increasing rental income and maintaining a solid capital structure with strong financial position to ensure stability. Since 2012, EBM Real Estate, these services are also offered in residential, commercial and administrative areas in the UK and Turkey.
By uniting its professional experience with the sense of trust for its clients, EBM Real Estate is continuing its growth over time with initiative and sophisticated services. EBM Real Estate continuously works towards enhancing its property portfolio offering the best standards of residential and commercial properties.
Phone :00974 4443 7440
Fax : 00974 4443 7530
Main office, Doha, Al-Nasr St. (New Merqab), Building No 20. P.O. Box 1901

EBM is the owner of Block C Heritage Walk property in the UK.